Fruit Curds: Make and Bake Now Available on iBooks®

Fruit curds are a decadent alternative to jam. They are popular as a spread and as a baking ingredient. Fruit Curds: Make and Bake lemon curd sponge torteis my fourth enhanced ebook. It leads the reader through the simple process of making and baking with traditional fruit curds using reliable recipes. Beautiful, illustrated recipes will entice the reader to make and bake with luscious curds. I test all my recipes in our beautiful Somerset kitchen, using locally-sourced produce,if possible, often from our own orchard. I am passionate about this craft and am a keen advocate of traditional preserve making.

What does Fruit Curds: Make and Bake Enhanced eBooks include?

There are detailed explanations of each stage of the curd-making process, from the preparation to how to fill and seal the jars, illustrated with galleries of colour photographs and embedded videos. It has tried-and-tested recipes for both the novice and the experienced cook.

A Define, Highlight, Note and Search facility allows the reader to obtain definitions, explore further information online and set up a personal notebook. All the equipment needed for making and baking with curds is described, with direct links to suppliers’ websites, in the US, UK and Australia.

A section on competitions provides anyone planning to enter a curd competition with that crucial edge, as I offer advice on preparing for the competition, divulge the key elements that judges are looking for and reveal the common faults in unsuccessful entries.

I have attempted to provide a definitive guide to making traditional fruit curds. Once made,there will be many opportunities to use them in cookery, especially in cakes, pastries, desserts and biscuits. The section with recipes for making and baking with curds provides inspiration for further experimentation with flavours and recipes. I hope you enjoy them!

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